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317 Wellesley Dr. O’Fallon IL 62269

Hours: 5-11 PM

Roll your windows down to hear the music.

Winner: First place in 2 different lighting contests in O’Fallon IL!

This beautiful display caught our eye from S. Lincoln Ave. because their display starts there, and wraps all the way around to the front of the house. It’s spectacular! Installed with precision and care, this display it really beautiful and charming. The colors are dazzling, and all the home made features really make it unique. If you’re lucky, their Malamute will be hanging out and you can meet him. Perfectly placed Nutcrackers, and that 6 foot tall Santa standing in the center is wonderful.

Don’t Miss: The home made candy canes that circle the yard, a pattern handed down through the family. The converted little-tykes play house made into a gingerbread house. The home made lamp posts. The teddy bear train circling the tree on it’s snowy journey! The Santa with his legs flailing in the chimney! Look for the tiny Santa climbing a letter to hand lights... tiny!

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